Thursday, March 31, 2016

Week 10 Reading Diary: The Mahabharata by Peter Brook

I missed my Reading Diary on Tuesday and making up one today. I am still watching the Mahabharata by Peter Brook. I really enjoy watching the film even though it is super long. It is nice getting to break it up into shorter sections though. My probably my favorite scene that I have watched this week was when Bhishma got hit by an arrow and was just laying down kind of waiting to die really. Bhishma said to Karna, “Can you fight without anger, without pride?”

I was like that is so awesome! And when you think about it, those few words are so deep. I was not really expecting to be so convicted by those words, but I just felt like you could really apply those words to your life. Bhishma is so profound and so deep! I feel like you should ask yourself before doing anything, Can you do it without anger? Can you do it without pride? Maybe we would make regrettable decisions less in life if we did ask ourselves those questions!

I really look forward to finishing the movie! As far as storytelling goes, I am not quite sure what I am going to do next!

The Mahabharata by Peter Brooks

1 comment:

  1. You are the second person whose blog I have read that commented specifically on how Bhishma died in the movie by Peter Brooks and how it was an excellent part. I wasn't going to do this reading option, but I am starting to think I should! Your description (and the last persons) are very intriguing.
    I look forward to reading more from you.
