Saturday, February 27, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Epified Mahabharata

I watched the online film: Epified Mahabharata. They did a great job of quickly getting through the ton of information presented in the Mahabharata. They did not go through the details in the entirety, but it was a great condensed version. I did not really like the drawing while they were talking. It was very distracting for me, but after awhile I got used to it. The story of Ekalavya makes me really sad. Drona promised one of the Pandava boys that he will be the best archer ever but when he finds out that there was someone actually better than him he became extremely angry. He asked Ekalavya whom his teacher was and was struck with astonishment when he heard Drona. He thought that he was betrayed by Drona. When Drona asked Ekalavya how this was possible he said that Drona had denied him, but Ekalavya made a statue of him and then practiced. Drona told Ekalavya to cut off his thumb thus making him not being able to do archery anymore. This makes me really upset because it kind of reminds me of people that will do anything to be the best even if that means destroying other peoples talent that are better than you. To me, it is just a cheap way and you are not really the best if you have to tear other people down just to achieve something (especially in the wrong way).

Author: Laura Gibbs

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary: Mahabharata continued

Amba sought revenge by bringing about Brishma’s death in her next life. Arjuna killed Bhisma. Everyone was in deep despair. Arjuna carried water to Bhishma out of deep sadness, Yudhishthira cursed the day on which the war began. Both friends and foes mourned over this loss. 

When Karna came to the battlefield, Bhishma said to him,” Proud rivals have we two been, jealous one of the other, and ever at strife. My voice faileth, yet must I tell thee that Arjuna is not greater than thou art on the battlefield. Nor is he of higher birth, for thou art the son of Kunti and the sun god Surya. As Arjuna is thine own brother, ‘twould be well for thee to bring this strife to an end.” But Karna despised his brother so much and wanted him to die.

After all this, Duryodhana takes command of the army and Arjuna’s son, Abhimanyu, was killed. He was devastated. He vowed to kill the slayer of his son. The next day in battle Arjuna, driven with grief, killed so many soldiers. Arjuna finally defeated Jayadratha. Karna and Arjuna get in an argument. Arjuna has some real anger problems, but I guess I cannot judge him because of all the surrounding tragedy and the loss of his son. Karna brings up his son in the argument and Arjuna gets so angry he shoots Karna with his bow, and Karna’s head strikes off.

Author: Laura Gibbs

Week 6 Reading Diary: Mahabharata

The Pandavas were exiled and Krishna went to visit them. The son of the god Indra, Arjuna, goes on a solo adventure to get weapons that they will later need. Arjuna is an interesting fellow. He performed prayer, vigil, and fast. He would eat fallen fruits and rationed his food little by little until he did not need any food. He wore grass and deer-skin for clothing. He was always bathing and purifying himself. He was said to look like lightening. Also, “He would stand day after day with arms upraised without support, till the earth began to smoke and the heavenly beings to tremble from the heat of Arjuna’s penance.” A boar decided to rush at him one day. When he did Arjuna shot him with an arrow. But, when he did this, there was another dart that hit the boar. This was not any arrow. This arrow belonged to a powerful huntsman that was just as angry as Arjuna was with this encounter. The huntsman and Arjuna decided to fight for the dead boar. As they were about to wrestle, something interesting happened. Arjuna was touched by the heart and saw the Great God. The Great God was so pleased with Arjuna that he granted him the divine bow. 

Author: Laura Gibbs

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 5: Famous Last Words

As I reflect on the week, I cannot help but be excited about how much I have learned about Hinduism and Islam. I absolutely love learning about new religions. That is probably why I am a Religious Studies minor, but I am learning so much about different religions. I am loving every second of it. I love how I can still pursue my diverse passions like religions while pursuing my goal of becoming a doctor. I know that better understanding different religions and different cultures other than my own will only help better equip me to not only be a better doctor but a better well rounded individual. I missed one of my readings this week but made it up by watching one of the videos. I am sad I missed it, but really glad I got the opportunity to learn about Hindu culture a little more. I am taking the Quran class with Dr. Vishanoff. He is such a phenomenal teacher. Words cannot describe the amount I have learned from that man in one year. I am not really sure what sparked my interest in different religions. It only happened within this past year, but it has really impacted me and my faith in such a great and powerful way. I am really glad that I have decided to take a leap of faith and really learn more about the different cultures because it is such a great way to get away from the hard sciences. Do not get me wrong, I have a heart for medicine and the hard sciences, but sometimes it is easy to be superficial and outright shallow. It may not make sense, but if you are a science major and a Christian, I think you can understand what I am trying to say. It is a lot more positive and supportive atmosphere. 

Tech Tip: Weather Widget

I am so excited you now can look at the weather on my blog! I really liked all the selections that you can choose from! Definitely a nice addition to my blog :)

Growth Mindset: Stop Being Negative

I really want to work on becoming a more positive person. I read 6 Bad Mental Habits That Sabotage Your Success. I am working on training for my 9th marathon and with school it is getting to be a demanding task. I want to get better and get faster and stronger. I tend to be so hard on myself and always putting myself down. Sometimes I even question myself and start to panic which I know I should not because I am capable.

6 Bad Mental Habits that Sabotage Your Success.

Learning Challenge: Trying the Pomodoro Technique

I took the Pomodoro Challenge, and I was SHOCKED by how much it actually helped. I finished my homework before 11 o' clock most nights. I do not think that has happened in all my years of college. It is such a good feeling to get back on track. This semester has been really hard with all the homework, and I am still behind in some classes. However, I am working hard in staying on top of things. I just set a timer and take breaks periodically. It seems to be easier to stay busy for a certain amount of time versus working until I accomplish a task.

Time Management

Week 5 Reading Diary: Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part A (Ganesha, Narayan)

I really enjoyed getting to watch Ganesha’s Secret and Narayan’s Secret. I had no idea how open-minded Hindu followers really are. I have a lot of respect for them because of just how accepting they are of other religions and other people that do not believe the same way as them. It is very respectful and a very peaceful religion with very high morals. I know Muslims believe that Christians who believe in the Trinity think that they worship three separate God’s, so I find it interesting that Hindus believe that Christians only worship one God, one being, and that is how they are confined. I really liked how the narrator explained it how the different Gods, Goddesses, gods and goddesses make up the entire entity of God. The entity is not confined to just one spirit. That is how I interpreted what he was saying anyways. I found that to be a really cool concept. I had no idea that is how Hindus thought! I also liked how he explained that to an outsider the portraits of the different gods and goddesses seem very strange and just flat out crazy, but to Hindus they have significant meaning and to understand them you have to be an open-minded person. I love learning about this religion!

Parvati, Ganesha, and Shiva
Gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion

Author:Laura Gibbs, Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part A (Ganesha, Narayan), November 2015