Saturday, January 23, 2016

Growth Mindset

I was first introduced to growth mindset last year in psychology. We hardly talked about it in class, but I found it to be very interesting. We learned that there are two different kinds of mindsets, fixed or growth. I hate to say it, but I am classic fixed mindset. I have always been the kind of person that always wants to make A's and so afraid of failure. I think our society does not help either. I just took my MCAT and applying to medical school this summer. Medical schools do not give you a 'not yet,' they give you a huge harsh rejection. Now, medical schools expect you to have A's. Getting B's are not enough anymore. If you do not have at least a 3.7 GPA then you are not considered competitive. It is extremely stressful! Those huge rejection makes it hard not to take it as defining who you are as a person.

Failure hurts but it does not define me. 

I think I have the fixed mindset mostly in my life except traveling and adventure. If that even can remotely makes sense. I am always up for a grand trip to anywhere. I love hiking, kayaking, camping, running, anything that is challenging and outdoors. I think that I would like to have more of a growth mindset when it comes to becoming a doctor, after all that is my ultimate goal. I do not want to look at it as a timeline and having to get to point B in X amount of time. That is one thing that I want to change.

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