Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3 Reading Diary: PDE Ramayana, continued

My immediate feelings when reading part C was deep empathy for poor Sugriva. Rama and him have a lot in common, so I felt like Rama could really relate to Sugriva with family members turning on him. I think that Hanuman would be a pretty cool friend. Hanuman can take shape of a monkey and carry people. Who does not want a friend like that? Sugriva’s brother, Vali, drove Sugriva away and took his wife after Vali battled a monster. Sugriva thought that the monster had killed him so he blocked the monster in, where Vali and the monster were fighting, but in reality, Vali defeated the monster and was blocked in because of Sugriva. After Vali got out, he was furious with Sugriva and thought that he did all that to take his kingdom away from him. Against Tara’s better judgment, Vali accepts Sugriva’s battle. Rama was the one that actually defeats Vali and Sugriva is now king and vows to help Rama find Sita since he is exiled and cannot enter into a city. Rama became furious with Sugriva because once he was happy with his wives and becoming king after Rama defeated his brother, he did not help Rama find Sita. (Sita was captured by Ravana. Ravana tried to persuade Rama to take him and leave Rama). So, Lakshmana went to Vali and threatens him if he does not fulfill his promise. So, Sugriva sends out four different search teams in search of Sita. Hanuman, the great friend and part of one of the search teams, finally finds Sita!

Author: Laura Gibbs, PDE Ramayana

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