Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 5 Reading Diary: Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part A (Ganesha, Narayan)

I really enjoyed getting to watch Ganesha’s Secret and Narayan’s Secret. I had no idea how open-minded Hindu followers really are. I have a lot of respect for them because of just how accepting they are of other religions and other people that do not believe the same way as them. It is very respectful and a very peaceful religion with very high morals. I know Muslims believe that Christians who believe in the Trinity think that they worship three separate God’s, so I find it interesting that Hindus believe that Christians only worship one God, one being, and that is how they are confined. I really liked how the narrator explained it how the different Gods, Goddesses, gods and goddesses make up the entire entity of God. The entity is not confined to just one spirit. That is how I interpreted what he was saying anyways. I found that to be a really cool concept. I had no idea that is how Hindus thought! I also liked how he explained that to an outsider the portraits of the different gods and goddesses seem very strange and just flat out crazy, but to Hindus they have significant meaning and to understand them you have to be an open-minded person. I love learning about this religion!

Parvati, Ganesha, and Shiva
Gods and goddesses of the Hindu religion

Author:Laura Gibbs, Pattanaik's Calendar Art: Part A (Ganesha, Narayan), November 2015

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jordan! I am so glad you liked the videos! Devdutt Pattanaik is one of my favorite writers on Indian culture and religion, and if you want to read some of his books in the second half of the semester, I can highly recommend them! Here are the ones we have in the Library: Devdutt Pattanaik in Bizzell. His Jaya Mahabharata book is especially good! :-)
