Sunday, January 17, 2016


I have decided to use the online version Ramayana. It is very convenient and I do not like having to go to the library to do my homework. Plus, I do not have to buy it! I am a big culture person and even bigger religion fan. I love to learn more about religion and culture. It really fascinates me (which is the reason I am taking this class). I have never taken an epic literature class before, so this is very much out of my comfort zone. However, I have taken religion classes, and they are by far my favorite classes. I just took Islamic Theology and taking The Qur'an this semester! Islam is extremely cool to me, and I am always eager to learn more. It has been really heavy on my heart to know more about the religion. I was so close to Mecca two summers ago! I really want to go to Saudi Arabia one day.

Kaaba, the center of Muslims most sacred mosque, located in the 
city Mecca in Saudi Arabia. Muslims gather here every year. 

I have visited both a Hindu and a Buddhist temple. Both in and outside the States. I do not know everything about the religions but I know a little! The church that I worked at in Singapore actually had a five story Buddhist temple next to it and on the other side was a Hindu temple. Their chanting every day was so loud we could not here each other speak!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a great combination of classes, Jordan! As I mentioned in another comment, the back-and-forth between the religions of India and Islam is very profound; one of the poets you can learn about in this class if you are interested is KABIR, who was revered by both the Hindus and the Muslims, and also by the Sikhs as a holy man, here is the Wikipedia article about him: Kabir. His poetry is beautiful! Here is a song by my favorite Indian musical group which has lyrics from a Kabir poem: Banjara by Maati Baani with Mooralala Marwada.
