Monday, March 7, 2016

Time Management

My schedule that I created is not going well at all. I thought that doing most of it on the weekend was a great idea. I thought since it was not football season I would have more weekends to do homework, but that is not the case.  I have had to work every single weekend since school started so that has been really frustrating. As far as planning a new schedule, I am not exactly sure what I would want it to be. I know I like to do most of it on Monday and Tuesday. I do at least five hours of homework a day (besides Sunday, that is my catch up day). Something that I have started doing this semester is setting a clock for five hours. During this time, I do not get on any social media or do anything else besides study and do homework. It is extremely difficult on days that I have lab and then work, so I do not get home until 11 and have to stay up super late and get up in the morning at 8. However, it is working out okay.

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