Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Epified: Mahabharata Videos continued

I am not sure why, but I really like Bhima so much. Normally, I am not a fan of the “Hulk” type characters, but I really like him! It was one of my favorite parts when he killed Bakasura. I found it hilarious that he had eaten all of the food that he was supposed to give to him. He kind of seems a little cocky to me, which is seriously hilarious. The other part that really stuck out to me was Draupadi and her five husbands. Seriously, having one would be hard enough, but trying to put up with all five of the brothers would be an impossible task. I could understand why the Draupadi’s brother would get angry at this arrangement. You can’t really blame him. If that were my brother, he would do the same thing. I got extremely annoyed at Arjun. When he got exiled because he went into the room to get his bow while one of his brothers was in the room with Draupadi was just bound to happen. They should not have even made that exile rule in the first place. Everything seemed to be going fine before they all committed to spending one year at a time with her. I got annoyed with Arjun because he went and wandered off and got married again. That is all fine and dandy but when you leave her to go back to Draupadi, (it is not like she is lonely) it deserves a roll of the eyes.

Author: Laura Gibbs

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