Saturday, February 27, 2016

Week 7 Reading Diary: Epified Mahabharata

I watched the online film: Epified Mahabharata. They did a great job of quickly getting through the ton of information presented in the Mahabharata. They did not go through the details in the entirety, but it was a great condensed version. I did not really like the drawing while they were talking. It was very distracting for me, but after awhile I got used to it. The story of Ekalavya makes me really sad. Drona promised one of the Pandava boys that he will be the best archer ever but when he finds out that there was someone actually better than him he became extremely angry. He asked Ekalavya whom his teacher was and was struck with astonishment when he heard Drona. He thought that he was betrayed by Drona. When Drona asked Ekalavya how this was possible he said that Drona had denied him, but Ekalavya made a statue of him and then practiced. Drona told Ekalavya to cut off his thumb thus making him not being able to do archery anymore. This makes me really upset because it kind of reminds me of people that will do anything to be the best even if that means destroying other peoples talent that are better than you. To me, it is just a cheap way and you are not really the best if you have to tear other people down just to achieve something (especially in the wrong way).

Author: Laura Gibbs

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