Saturday, February 20, 2016

Learning Challenge: Trying the Pomodoro Technique

I took the Pomodoro Challenge, and I was SHOCKED by how much it actually helped. I finished my homework before 11 o' clock most nights. I do not think that has happened in all my years of college. It is such a good feeling to get back on track. This semester has been really hard with all the homework, and I am still behind in some classes. However, I am working hard in staying on top of things. I just set a timer and take breaks periodically. It seems to be easier to stay busy for a certain amount of time versus working until I accomplish a task.

Time Management

1 comment:

  1. Jordan,
    I am glad to hear that the Pomodoro challenge worked out for you. I can relate to the busy schedule we have while in school and finishing up the assignments right on the very end. I wish you all the best and i hope you get out with good grades at the end of this semester.
