Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 5: Famous Last Words

As I reflect on the week, I cannot help but be excited about how much I have learned about Hinduism and Islam. I absolutely love learning about new religions. That is probably why I am a Religious Studies minor, but I am learning so much about different religions. I am loving every second of it. I love how I can still pursue my diverse passions like religions while pursuing my goal of becoming a doctor. I know that better understanding different religions and different cultures other than my own will only help better equip me to not only be a better doctor but a better well rounded individual. I missed one of my readings this week but made it up by watching one of the videos. I am sad I missed it, but really glad I got the opportunity to learn about Hindu culture a little more. I am taking the Quran class with Dr. Vishanoff. He is such a phenomenal teacher. Words cannot describe the amount I have learned from that man in one year. I am not really sure what sparked my interest in different religions. It only happened within this past year, but it has really impacted me and my faith in such a great and powerful way. I am really glad that I have decided to take a leap of faith and really learn more about the different cultures because it is such a great way to get away from the hard sciences. Do not get me wrong, I have a heart for medicine and the hard sciences, but sometimes it is easy to be superficial and outright shallow. It may not make sense, but if you are a science major and a Christian, I think you can understand what I am trying to say. It is a lot more positive and supportive atmosphere. 

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