Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 3 Storytelling: Rama and Sita

The gods were all looking down. Just waiting and watching…

Wondering when they should intervene.

They had been watching for some time now. The gods wanted Ravana defeated. It was his time to go. They hated how demonic and evil he was, and to obtain order and equilibrium in the land, Ravana needed to go. There was just one problem, the gods could not defeat Ravana, it had to be a human. All of the gods came to gather in a great council to decide what they were going to do to seal the fate of Ravana.  After awhile of discussing, Vishnu stood up and said, “ I shall lesson myself to that of a human and defeat Ravana.”

“You do not have to do that!” Said all of the other gods, but Vishnu insisted on his claim.

You see, it was destined to be that Rama, or Vishnu, would defeat Ravana. It was always the plan.

However, Rama was on his last leg. Him and his brother Lakshamana were tied up and with arrows all through their bodies. Rama was an amazing warrior. He defeated so many creatures and demons to get up to this point of what he was born to do, defeat Ravana. He knew that killing Ravana would be the most difficult challenge he had faced on earth while being human, but he did not know if he was ever going to defeat him at this point. Rama knew that all the gods above were on his side, and Ravana capturing Sita gave him more drive to defeat Ravana than anything else. He loved Sita dearly and just wanted her back. So as Rama and his brother were lying there on the brink of death, the gods sent Garuda to save them. After Garuda revived Rama, his brother, and the other warriors, the gods sent more aid to help Rama. The army rallied back and Rama finally killed the evil Ravana!

At last, Rama was reunited with Sita! Rama embraced his beautiful bride with open arms and a sweet embrace. Sita was so happy to see Rama but also very sad. She knew that Rama would have to go back up to the heavens and become a god again. She knew it was all in the plan, but she loved Rama so much and never wanted him to go.

One night, Sita woke up to an empty bed. She was devastated because she thought that Rama had left her for good. She wept all night in devastating despair. As she buried her face in her pillow, she felt a gentle hand on her back. She looked up to see a concerned Rama. Rama had gone to the council of the gods and told them that he was going to stay on earth, just to be with his beautiful bride. 

Author’s Note: This is based on Rama and Sita in Ramayana, but I wanted to add a little twist because the end of Ramayana is so sad. I wanted it to be a happy ending love story.

Ramayana PDE, Laura Gibbs, April 2014


  1. Jordan,

    It was interesting on how you summed up the storyline for Ramayana. I also like the new tack on the end of the story, keeping the two lovebirds together. I do wonder though, what it would be like to see you change the characters all together. What if Rama in this story was a phoenix and Sita was an ordinary bird? Just food for thought.

  2. Wow, what a sweet and simple retelling of the main plot in the Ramayana. I love that you gave the story a happy ending between the couple because that was something that I was not pleased with in the original story. I also like how you included the gods concerns with Ravana in the story.
    The format of the story was easy to follow especially because of the clear paragraph breaks. The image you included was nicely placed in the middle of the story when you introduced the scene of the battle. I wonder if there are any pictures you could have included for that happy ending with Rama and Sita. I just read a story post where Rama and Sita get married and the author chose a picture where Rama is crowing Sita with flowers. I really liked that picture because of the sentiment captured in it. I think there may be other pictures similar to that if you want to include another image.

  3. I also wrote a story about Rama and Sita. But this story’s format and function is different then mine. The story look is overall unique and I thought the format was different then other stories. The margins are good all around the story but there is the classic double spacing between paragraphs. You did a good job on making the spacing the right size so I did not have to make the browser size smaller or bigger. The font was easy to read and the font style was also easy to read and it was the classic times style. I did not have to make the browser biggest in order to read the font so that was also good. The color choices are good because I like what you did with the background of your posts. The font color is good because it works well with the background and the link color also works well. The image also works well because it created a picture in my head about what the story was about. It also has a good caption. The format and function was good in this story.

  4. Jordan,

    Great job on your storytelling this week! I really liked how you started your story with the background of who Rama really is. It is very beneficial for those who may have not read the story or needed a refresher of who Rama really is. I really did like how you ended the story. You could feel Sita's pain from losing Rama and the reader felt relief along with Sita when Rama had not left her. It was a great "and they all lived happily ever after" ending.
